win32error codes
win32error codes

ThisdocumentcontainsWindowserrorcodesrangingfrom0to266.TheerrorcodesareassociatedwithcommonWindowserrorssuchasfileorfolderaccess ...,Forexample,inthefollowingerror:ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES4(0x4)Thesystemcannotopenthefile.•4istheerrorcode.,Ifyous...

Win32 Error Codes - Beckhoff Information System


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Win32 Error Codes PDF

This document contains Windows error codes ranging from 0 to 266. The error codes are associated with common Windows errors such as file or folder access ...

What are the capitalized text identifiers for Win32 error codes called ...

For example, in the following error: ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES 4 (0x4) The system cannot open the file. • 4 is the error code.

What Is the Win32 Error Code and How to Fix It

If you see Win 32 error code 5, it means access is denied, which is possible to lead to troubles running programs or saving its data.

Win32 - Error Codes (1000

The following table provides a list of Win32 error codes. Recursion too deep; the stack overflowed.

Win32 Error Codes - Beckhoff Information System

Error. Description. decimal. Hexadecimal. Name. 0. 0x00000000. ERROR_SUCCESS. The operation completed successfully. 1. 0x00000001. ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION.

System Error Codes (0-499) (WinError.h)

The following list describes system error codes (errors 0 to 499). They are returned by the GetLastError function when many functions fail.

[MS-ERREF]: Win32 Error Codes

All Win32 error codes MUST be in the range 0x0000 to 0xFFFF, although Win32 error codes can be used both in 16-bit fields.

Win32 - Error Codes (0

Code Description Name 4 The system cannot open the file. ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES 5 Access is denied. ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 6 The handle is invalid. ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE 7 The storage control at docs

User has insufficient access rights. 0x80070008L, LDAP_NO_MEMORY, ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY, System is out of memory. 0x8007001fL, LDAP_OTHER, ERROR_GEN_FAILURE ...


ThisdocumentcontainsWindowserrorcodesrangingfrom0to266.TheerrorcodesareassociatedwithcommonWindowserrorssuchasfileorfolderaccess ...,Forexample,inthefollowingerror:ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES4(0x4)Thesystemcannotopenthefile.•4istheerrorcode.,IfyouseeWin32errorcode5,itmeansaccessisdenied,whichispossibletoleadtotroublesrunningprogramsorsavingitsdata.,ThefollowingtableprovidesalistofWin32errorcodes...